Ленк |
Ленк (Lenk) - this Swiss resort is located in canton Berner Оберланд, between Интерлакеном, Bern and Гштаадом, in 150 km from Geneva.
Ленк together with Адельбоденом make the general zone of driving. On the external shape it is the most usual Alpine village with a patriarchal way of life.
Resort Ленк is focused basically on youth and family rest.
Slopes in Ленке differ magnificent equipment and attention to all inquiries of tourists. The driving area near to Ленком has almost 70 km of lines basically lungs and average complexity.
Here there is санная a line, 3 сноупарка for сноубордистов, using a natural relief, a border-cross-country line, a slalom line. For family driving: in various places bebi-lifts are located, ski tracks for flat skis and routes for walks on snowshoes are laid.
Except skis, on a resort it is possible to go skating, sledge to play in hockey, and there is a possibility to drive on a mountain bicycle in the summer, to travel on mountain tracks, to be engaged in basketball. In Ленке it is possible to restore the health: in city vicinities beat 2 thermal sulfuric sources. Both sources are applied at treatment of skin and pulmonary diseases. Thermal water from sources fills pool.
On a resort about 70 restaurants. There are discos and concert halls.
When it is better to go in Ленк
The maximum quantity of tourists is necessary for the period from the end of December on the beginning of January. The mountain-skiing season lasts from the middle of December on the end of April.
How to reach to Ленк
The nearest airports: Geneva — 150 km, Zurich — 210 km.
The general extent of lines: 160 km (the general zone of driving Aldeboden-Lenk-Frutigen)
Total of lifts: 54 lifts; from them 3 кабинных, 8 гондольных, 5 кресельных, 38 бугельных.
Difference of heights: 1350-2400 m
Resort possibilities: ski school, санная a line, 3 сноупарка, a border-cross-country line, a line of a slalom, a ski track for flat skis.