Овронна - Switzerland. The information about Овронна - sights and museums Овронна. Rest in Овронна. Hotels and hotels Ovronna


ОвроннаОвронна - the Alpine Swiss settlement with a considerable quantity of sunny days and well equipped lines, an ideal place for mountain skiers of an average level.

Resort Овронна is recommended for fans of quiet rest far from city vanity.

Mountain-skiing season in Овронна - from the middle of December till April, 20th.

Slopes, lines, lifts Ovronna

  • Height of a resort 1400 - 2580 m
  • Quantity of lifts-7 (2 кресельных, 5 бугельных, 1 children's)
  • Lines - 10
  • Extent of lines - 30 km
  • Lines for beginners - 30 %
  • Lines of average complexity - 50 %
  • Difficult lines - 20 %
  • Lines with artificial заснеживанием - 3 km
  • Snowboard - the fan-park
  • Lines for running skis (the classic - 7км, the fad - 5 km)
  • Foot routes - 15 km

How to reach to Овронна

The airport of Geneva - 140 km, the airport of Zion - 30 km, the airport of Zurich - 270 km.

Apres-Ski And other kinds of rest

Restaurants, bars, discos.

Sports possibilities of region

Flat ski track, санные lines, a toboggan, the pedestrian walks, pools with mineral water.

Hosted by uCoz