Силваплана - Switzerland. The information about Силваплана - sights and museums Силваплана. Rest in Силваплана. Hotels and hotels Silvaplana


СилвапланаСилваплана - a resort with good possibilities for внетрассового drivings. A part of the mountain-skiing region Oberengadin including resorts Силс (Sils), Малойя (Maloja), Sankt-Mortts (St. Moritz), Селерина (Celerina) and Zuoz.

Season Силваплана: from the middle of December till the end of April. 322 sunny days in a year.

Slopes, lines, lifts Silvaplana

  • Difference of heights - 1870-3303 m (Сorvatsch - 3303)
  • Resort height - 1815 m
  • Lines - 12 (40 km)
  • Green - 0, dark blue - 1, red - 10, black - 1
  • Lifts - 8 (гондольные - 2, кресельные - 2, Towropes and poma - 4)
  • Snowboard - фанпарк

Card of mountain-skiing lines - Силваплана

Schools of mountain skis and snowboarding, equipment hire work.

How to reach to Силваплана

The nearest airports: Milan (200 km), Zurich (200 km), Basel (290 km), Munich (360 km).

Apres-Ski And other kinds of rest

Restaurants, bars, discos, shops. Events: annual competitions "Freestyle-X-Masters", Engadin Snowshoe Festival, etc.

Sports possibilities of region

Mountain and running skis, snowboard. Walks in snowshoes, curling.

Hosted by uCoz