Отепяа - Estonia. The information about Отепяа - sights and museums Отепяа. Rest in Отепяа. Hotels and hotels Otepjaa


ОтепяаThe fine Estonian small town Otepjaa by right carries the name of one of natural pearls of Southern Estonia. Here from horizon to horizon the hills covered with wood with sparkling streams are stretched; between hills the lakes surrounded with dense woods become blue. Surprising places for summer pedestrian campaigns, walks on bicycles, riding, aquatics, spending the night in tents and fishing.

The present judges of the nature name area Otepjaa "the Estonian Switzerland". In Отепяа there is one of the greatest reserves of Estonia. Here you can restore the forces, "having recharged" from the Power column decorated with a figure of a bear. Itself Далай the Llama has specified in this place as a point of an input of space energy.

In honour of visiting Далай Llama Otepjaa on the bank of lake Pjuhajarve, that in transfer from the Estonian means Sacred lake, the memorable sign is established. Near this place Далай the Llama has consecrated lake.

It is necessary to notice, that Отепяа is present sports capital of Estonia. In the winter people come here to drive on well equipped ski lines for running skis and springboards. Well and in the summer here float on a canoe, kayaks, fish, go on hunting, to campaigns, go for a drive on bicycles, on horses, play tennis, a golf and, certainly, bathe. Already four times successively beach of lake Pjuhajarve received the status of "a dark blue flag».

Come in Отепяа - and you will feel spirit of true Estonia with its numerous restaurants and cosy cafes where so time behind slow conversation pleasantly proceeds!

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