Tartu |
Tartu – the second-large city in Estonia. In it the fifth part – students is about 100000 inhabitants, from which.
For the first time Tartu is mentioned in written sources in 1030. The most important monuments of history in Tartu are two medieval churches – Jaanovsky and Domsky. Since 2005 the restored Jaanovsky church can be seen in full greatness. Terracotta sculptures of Jaanovsky church are invaluable: in all European gothic style there is no other structure which terracotta sculptures could compete at least in small degree both by quantity and the size, and on art level with terracotta sculptures of Jaanovsky church in Tartu.
Pride of a city is the university based in 1632. The most part of the well-known people, scientific, writers and statesmen of Estonia studied at Tartusky university.
At all times in Tartu fine arts were taught. In the Tartusky art museum it is possible to see the big expositions of the Estonian art.
In the oldest museum of Estonia – the Art museum of Tartusky university – against wall lists plaster copies of the most outstanding sculptors of antique times are exhibited at grandiose style.
Tartu – a cradle of the Estonian national culture. Here the beginning was necessary to the Estonian literature and periodicals, the first Singing holiday (1869) here has taken place and the professional theatre (1870) has arisen. Tartu and now is the centre of a spiritual and cultural life of Estonia.
Tartu is known in the world and the ski marathon, entering into series Wordloppet. The people who are engaged in improving sports, bicycle rallies, autumn running and modern water centre "Aura" attract in Tartu.
The big discoveries became in Tartu already throughout centuries. Many known scientists, such as scientist Charles Ernest background Бэр which has opened яйцеклетку mammals, and astronomer Wilhelm Struve who has defined co-ordinates of three thousand of double stars Here worked. In a modern scientific life of Tartu tone is set by achievements of physicists, chemists and molecular biologists.
Tartu is full of contrasts. From the centre in classical style it is possible to get unexpectedly to an environment of modern architecture or in areas of a city with wooden architecture, with inherent only to them, especial aura.
One of pearls of Tartu – mountain Toomemjagi where the park in the English style was stretched, put in pawn on a place of an ancient site of ancient settlement.
Additional expressiveness the river Emajygi proceeding through a city which was at all times important binding and trading by gives Tartu.
Tartu – old ганзейский a city. In 2005 here have passed International ганзейские days.