Alaska |
Alaska — the biggest on territory state of USA, on northwest suburb of the North America. Includes the Aleutian islands.
Staff is located in the extreme northwest of continent, separated from Chukotski peninsula (Russia) by Bering strait, in the east borders on Canada.
Consists of a continental part and the big number of islands: Alexander's archipelago, the Aleutian islands, Islands Pribylova, island Kadiak, Saint Lawrence island. It is washed Arctic and Silent by oceans. At Pacific coast — Alaska range; an internal part — a plateau in height from 1200 m in the east to 600 m in the west; passes in lowland. In the north — Brooks range behind which the Arctic lowland is located.
Mount McKinley (Денали) (6194) — the highest in the North America. There are active volcanoes. In mountains glaciers (Мейлспин).
In 1912 as a result of volcano eruption there was a Valley of ten thousand smokes. Northern part of staff is covered with tundra. To the south woods are located. The staff structure includes island Small Диомид in Bering strait, 4 km located on distance from island Great Диомид (island Ратманова), belonging to Russia.
At Pacific coast a climate moderated, sea, rather soft; in other areas — Arctic and subarctic continental, with severe winters.