Detroit - the USA. The information on Detroit - sights and museums Detroit. Rest to Detroit. Hotels and hotels Detroit


Detroit Detroit - one of the important financial centres of the USA, the largest supplier of cars in the world.

Detroit is based in 1701 by Frenchman Antoine де ля Squanderer Kadijjakom, in 1760 is grasped by Englishmen, in the end of 18 century was a part of the USA. In 1802 has received the city status.

Growth of Detroit in 19 century has been connected with opening of Erie Canal, navigation development on Great Lakes and timber cuttings in area Priozyorja, then with railway building, and in 20 century - with motor industry development. The first automobile factory is constructed here in 1899.

Detroit - the large centre of working and democratic movement of the USA. In 1936 - 1937 here there was a strike of 500 thousand working automobile factories. In 1960 - the beginning of 70th Detroit repeatedly became arena of performances of the Negro population in protection of the civil rights.

The large financial centre, the important transport knot of the country. Is on crossing iron and the highways, going of New England and New York through east Canada to Detroit. The third on a turnover of goods and the first on судообороту port of Great Lakes. Detroit - the main centre of motor industry of the USA, the largest supplier of motor vehicles in the world. In a city and its suburbs the boards, the largest factories and laboratories of leading automobile monopolies of the USA - «Дженерал Моторс», "Ford" and "Crysler" are located. With motor industry are connected ferrous metallurgy (specialised on manufacture of special steels and thin холоднокатаного sheet), processing black and nonferrous metals and plastic, manufacture of glass, varnishes, paints, bearings, etc. Detroit also the large centre of manufacture of tanks and military-vehicles. The chemical industry, on the basis of local stocks of salt is developed also. In Detroit, as well as in many old American cities, steam heating till now is applied.

In Detroit lives about 900 thousand inhabitants (agglomeration - 4,4 million persons) from which 82 % - black, 11 % - white and are a little representatives of other colours of a skin. The population slowly, but true decreases. In a city the criminality prospers, in 2002 Detroit was one of the most criminal cities in States.

The important sight of Detroit - a hockey command "Red Wings", pleasing fans magnificent game. It is one of the oldest commands of National Hockey League. In a city exhibitions of last marks of cars of the American brands are often held by world popularity. To buy such cars on a pocket to units, and look at this miracle many can.

In Detroit there is an Institute of arts where it is collected European and American graphic, decorative, a theatrical art. Grinfild-villidzh - a museum of the American life.

There is an Uejnsky university (Wayne State University).

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