Seattle |
Seattle is big American village.
In Seattle practically all live in private one-storeyed houses, so-called residential area. Small streets in such areas very narrow, at all hammered by cars from two parties so to two cars not to part.
Skyscrapers are only in a downtown, as well as in all American cities.
Seattle has actually grown together with the next cities and villages (Киркленд, Бэлвью, Redmond - that where Microsoft, Рентон, Линвуд and others).
In Seattle rather good network of a municipal transportation. There are buses and trolley buses, and even a monorail in city centre. On a downtown journey free in limits ride free area (it is designated on maps of the city) - In a city many entertainments: theatres, cinema, parks, attractions, the sea (a gulf of Pacific ocean) and lake - the State of Washington is rich with natural sights for fans outdoors and recreation: national both other parks and woods, falls, huge mountains and mountain-skiing lines. Road traffic - one of the highest in States owing to high population density and availability of cars.