Скагвэй - the USA. The information about Скагвэй - sights and museums Скагвэй. Rest in Скагвэй. Hotels and hotels Skagvej


Скагвэй (Skagway), the city in the USA, is on Alaska in 145 km to the northwest from Juneau capitals of Alaska. Port on a gulf Lynn-channel. A starting point. д. To Whitehorse (Canada). Export of concentrates of nonferrous metals and asbestos from mines of northern Canada. Klondike is based in 1897 during time of "a gold fever» as a way starting point through pass Uajt-Pass to gold mines in pool of the river.

The city of Skagvej during census of 2000, the city population was 862, 401 families and 214 families living in a city.

The area round modern Скагвэйя was lived by people since prehistoric times earlier. They fished and hunted in waters and woods, then the area became prospering for trade with other groups of people, at coast and in internal areas of the country.

One of visible inhabitant Skagvej in the beginning was William "Бадди" Moore (William "Buddy" Moore), the former captain of a steamship. In 1887 being a member of one of expedition, it has made the first report on activity investigation pass to coast of mountain which became known subsequently as White pass (White Pass). He considered, that gold lays to Klondike as it has been found out in similar mountain ridges, in the South America, Mexico, California and British Columbia. In 1887 it and his son Ben have lodged on 160 acres (650000 m ²) in a river Skagvej mouth on Alaska. This area as he considered, is to straight lines путьем to gold. They have constructed small houses, лесопыльню and landing stages in expectation of the future gold diggers.

In 1896 gold was revealed to Klondike region Canada in territory Yukon. Since summer 1897, thousand miners we hope, merge a new city and it is prepared to a 500-mile trip on gold deposits in Canada. By June, 1898 with the population between 8000 and 10000, Скагвэй was the largest city on Alaska. In 1900 the railway has been constructed.

Today Скагвэй accepts about one million tourists year, the majority from which (about three quarters), come on круизных courts. The business most part in a city is tourism.

The white pass (White Pass) and Yukon the Route (Yukon Routenarrow) the narrow-gauge railway, a part from area of extraction the past, operates now, basically for tourists, and works all summer. The white pass and Yukon the Route operates till now its narrow-gauge trains around Skagway a current of summer months, basically for tourists.

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