Chicago |
Chicago - the largest transport knot in the world. The economic centre of the USA second for the importance.
Since 1779 of Chicago, from language of Indians "mighty", represented settlement in which lived some families. Only about 1880 extensive spaces of district adjoining to a city began to master; railways have been laid. In 1823 in a city 250 inhabitants were approximately, and to the middle of the century already about 30 thousand In 1869 the railway communication between East and Western coast of the United States has been opened.
The centre of a new highway became Chicago, it executes this function and to this day. As for America in XIX century transformation of agriculture from a sphere of application of country work in industrial production area was one of phases enormous on the scales of process of reorganisation, Chicago became the greatest in the world the centre on grain manufacture.
Its geographical position to have just on the centre of agricultural region, so-called "the Grain belt". In prairies of the same region herds of large horned livestock, pigs who fattened surpluses of grain were grazed. It has led to that industrial manufacture of meat and the canning industry have developed in Chicago. Round lakes and to the southwest from Chicago dense large forests are located. Thus, the city became also the natural centre of trade in wood. Near to slaughter-houses soap factories have grown, and activity of innovators of manufacture and agriculture development have led to creation of factories on manufacturing of agricultural tools of work. Along with the specified branches there were big breweries. Chicago gradually turns to the largest economic region.
In 1871 the city most part has burnt down. Two years there has come one of the hardest world crises of XIX century later Though the fire has destroyed a city almost to the basis, it has cleared away a way for creation on this place of new architecture of skyscrapers. Chicago name "a city of winds". In 1893, from an easy hand of the editor of the newspaper “New-York Sun” Charles Dany, Chicago have this nickname. It is given at all did not mean a wind, really flying on a city. The editor has been revolted by vast speeches of the American politicians gathered on the World Colombian exhibition and using its tribune in the personal interests.
Today's Chicago, with the population in 2, 9 million persons, - the largest transport knot in the world. The important role in it the port on lake Michigan, connected with the sea through channel Sankt-Lorents has played Харбор. For years of development Харбор became the largest river port of the world. And international airport O'Hara has broken all records on volume of an airline traffic: each hour it accepts and sends about 2000 passenger planes.
Bright sight of Chicago is Art Institute. This art museum from one of the richest collections of painting of 14 centuries and the French impressionists. Through street from it in park there is the Buckingham fountain copying one of fountains of Versailles. The fountain stream rises on 41 m.
John Hancock's observatory - a viewing platform on 95th floor of a skyscraper to Michigan-avenue, equipped ' speaking ' telescopes with which help it is possible to make virtual excursion on 80 sights of a city. As it is possible to carry a complex of the Chicago university, a science and industry Museum, the Museum of natural history Филда to sights of Chicago. Near to Chicago there is Niagara Falls where go to excursions to boats.
Chicago is also a large centre of science of the USA. Universities have national value: Chicago, Northwest and Депола, and also the Illinojsky institute of technology. Art institute - aquarium Шедда. The Chicago public library. Theatres: "Schubert-tietr", "Blekston-tietr".
In 1914 in Chicago the musical movement which has received the name "jazz" was born.