Ket-Ajlend - the Bahamas. The information about Ket-Ajlend - sights and museums Ket-Ajlend. Rest in Ket-Ajlend. Hotels and hotels Ket-Ajlend


Ket-AjlendLong, веретенообразный Ket-Ajlend - one more of the islands of group least mentioned by tourism. Here religious practice "обеа", originating in Haitian "вуду" and Cuban "сантерии" still prospers, here medicines become from grasses and кореньев, and means of subsistence extract weaving of baskets and ловом fishes. The coast covered with pink sand, are stretched here on all Atlantic coast, and the flat western coast abounds with the streams literally teeming with fish.

The city the Nju-byte laying near to a southern extremity of island, has been based, as free settlement of fluent slaves in the beginning of XIX century. Among its most known constructions Catholic church Care-redimer - one of architectural creations of the Anglican priest, father Dzheroma. Джером also has developed the local Maunt-alvernia-Hermitage representing an unusual architectural construction, towering on hill top over a city.

With the end of the stone ladder conducting to bottom of the Hermitage, opens ошеломляюще a beautiful kind on all parts of the world. To the north of a city the stream the Embrister-shout which practically completely has grown мангровыми with trees, forming a natural tunnel over its waters which is very popular for walks on a canoe from resort Фернандез proceeds. And in the heart of island hides crystal-clear to lake which local residents name Bojling-Houl (water in it "boils" at inflow and отливах}. And waters round island teem with a life, allowing to be engaged here any of active kinds of sea rest literally.

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