Cан-Педро-Сула |
Dignity-pedro-sula (San Pedro Sula) - an administrative centre of department Cortes. Has been based in 1536г. The population makes 321 thousand inhabitants (1989). Dignity Педро Сула is in 240 km to the north from capital of Honduras of Tegucigalpa. It is the second-large city of the country both its main commercial and transport centre, settles down across a fertile valley of Val-de-fat at bottom of mountain chain Мерендон in the northwest of the country.
This one of the first Spanish settlements in the country, based by conquistador Pedro де Альварадо in 1536. However modern San Pedro Sula almost has not kept traces of the colonial past. Practically completely burnt by the French corsairs in 1660 and actually left inhabitants after epidemic of a yellow fever in 1892 г, the city contains some wooden buildings of XVIII century. From a city the majority of routes to picturesque mountain areas Cordilleras, to National park the Ale-kusuko and to beach areas of coast runs up, the city remains the boring transport centre which almost is not visited by tourists. However its important strategic positions and quickly growing economy have allowed to occupy to it one of leading places among shopping centres of the countries of Central America.
Much bigger popularity, than the region capital, uses the fishing village Omoa stretched to the north San Pedro Sula, at bottom of mountains Serra-de-Omoa on to seacoast. There is no time constructed by Spaniards as the important strong point of coast to what the impressive triangular fort the Fortaleza-de-dignity-fernando-de-omoa (1759-1779) testifies, today it shows quickly developing seaside resort area eternally filled with tourists and visitors on a weekend by inhabitants the Dignity-pedro. And still to the north the magnificent tropical landscape of foothills is replaced by an urbanistic landscape of the main port of Honduras - Puerto-Kortes.