Бараона - Dominican republic. The information about Бараона - sights and museums Бараона. Rest in Бараона. Hotels and hotels Baraona


By then, when you will appear in Бараоне you already will have time to get used to a southern landscape, with repeating changes, thus, for example, dry wood surrounding you with clumsy bushes and prickly plants, in any turn of road can be replaced with a blossoming garden with the best fruit trees.

Heart of mysterious south Бараона, the unique zone washed by Caribbean sea, cut up by humpbacked ridges, became a cradle of two well-known figures of Dominican republic: Касандры Дамирон (Casandra Damirón) and actresses Maria Montes (María Montes).

To be in vicinities Бараоны the set of surprising places: national park Sierra де Нейба (Parque Nacional de Sierra de Neiba), national park Haragua (Parque Nacional Jargua), lake Enrikijo (Lago Enriquillo) and national park Izla Kabritos (Isla Cabritos).

The first, that it is necessary to visit it the city of Baraona with the same name where it is necessary to come into the Central Park and a cathedral where nearby till now it is possible to see the houses constructed in colonial style. It would be interesting to visit the central sugar plantation with the greatest working factory processing a sugar cane. In Бараоне necessarily glance on малекон, the long street going along coast which will lead you to a tourist place where the set of restaurants is located and characteristic souvenirs for this zone are on sale.

In Бараоне probably to make the whole series of the most fascinating expeditions which can be characterised not only as the most beautiful landscapes and edge of never-ending opening, but also eko-tourism of the first class. Among important it is possible to allocate following directions: gulf Лас Агилас (Bahía de las Aguilas), lake Enrikijo, the Magnetic Ridge (Loma Magnetica), hollow Пелемпито (Hoyo del Pelmito) and amber deposits

Бараону wash waters of wide gulf Нейба (Bahía de Neiba) and form magnificent beaches which will surprise you with the charm. It is necessary to visit surprising deserted beach Пуэрто Алехадро (Puerto Alejandro) located for settlement La Каноа (La Canoa).

In fifteen minutes from Бараоны near village Kabral to be Lagoon Ринкон (Rincón) or Кабраль (Cabral) in which vicinities probably to visit set of caves, and also to see pink фламенко, turtles, Creole ducks and a heron in their habitat of dwelling.

From lagoon Кабраль it is convenient to go to mysterious Поло Магнетико (Polo Magnetico) on which you will approach in 15 minutes of a way on twisting highway between mountain ridges Бараоны where forces of the nature compete, wishing to overcome a divine plan, create optical illusion which does possible that the car left on neutral transfer independently rises upwards.

Поло Магнетико to be in National park Sierra де Баоруко where to be made the best coffee of the country. In park also it is possible to visit Лос Канделонес where traces of petroglyphic art have remained.

In no event it is impossible to miss possibility to visit lake Enrikijo. The national Park Island Kabritos is in the lowest part of valley Нейба, at level of 42 metres below a sea level. Near to the biggest lake on Caribbean Islands in the extent of 35 km and width 10 km are settlements Nejba, Химани, Ла Дескубьерта and Дуверже.

From Дескубьерта, the centre on the organisation of rounds on lake Enrikijo, boats and boats on which you get into this unusual world are rented and visit islands: Ла It is given vent (La Islita), Барбарита (Barbarita) and Кабритос (Cabritos) in which honour the park is called.

In this lake it is possible to meet a huge variety of lizards, among them meet игуаны and the American crocodiles, places which dwellings gradually disappear in due course. Ideal time to see them it earlier morning or the beginning of evening, the probability to meet them on the bank of island Kabritos where there lives one of the greatest colonies of lizards is especially great.

Also on island it is possible to see one of the greatest colonies of a flamingo, delightful which pink feathers draw attention even of the most absent-minded tourists.

The sulphurous sources close to lake should become an obligatory stop during expedition. It is considered, that they possess salutary properties for a skin while their smell can lead to return thoughts.

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