Ушуайя - Argentina. The information about Ушуайя - sights and museums Ушуайя. Rest in Ушуайя. Hotels and hotels Ushuajja


УшуайаУшуайя it is translated as "Tierra del Fuego" and involves tourists in the most southern finiteness of continent. The name the Earth of fires has been appropriated to island by Spanish of travellers Magellan who has seen mysterious tongues of flame in darkness when for the first time floated by it. Throughout centuries Tierra del Fuego scarecrows of seamen ice Antarctic winds which drove their ships on sharp rocks.

From primitive whaling station Ushuajja has turned to an unbearable colony where lived the days Russian anarchists. Today Ушуая it is the modern tourist centre, something the reminding Klondike of times of a gold fever, whence it is possible to go to one of the most remote reserves in the world of the wild nature.

The north of Tierra del Fuego, as well as the most part of territory of Patagonia, the flat earths on which sheep are grazed occupy, but the island south has a rough relief and has grown with dense woods. At approach to Ушуайя the wonderful kind as the city is surrounded with the granite rocks covered with snow opens.

The main sight of a city, except the central street the Dignity-open-hearth furnace, it is possible to consider old prison, the most southern on a planet which is now transformed into Museum of local lore Muzeo-del-Fin-del-Mundo («a world's end Museum»).


Climate Ушуайи is not such severe as many consider. For two reasons: softening influence of the sea and a mountain environment. In the summer (December-January) the average temperature makes +9,6 C, and in the afternoon in solar weather happens and +18C. The average temperature of July makes +1 C and duration of light day during this period is reduced till 7-8 o'clock. Weather very much изменчива, and changes can occur within one day.


Ушуайа simultaneously is capital of the province uniting Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Islands of Southern Atlantic. The city is located at channel Bigl coast (Beagle) and is in an environment of picturesque mountains, in 3200 km from Buenos Aires and in 790 km from Ale Калафате.

How to reach

Flight makes of Buenos Aires 5 hours 10 minutes, flight from Ale Калафате makes 1 hour of 10 minutes. Flights of local airlines fly.

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