Игуассу |
Игуассу not casually name one of seven miracles of light. The one to whom has had the luck to see this majestic show, never about it will forget. The powerful weights of water falling from huge height in beautiful gorge, causing with what not the comparable sounds generating set of bright rainbows and forcing to be shaken the earth, – the unique phenomenon causing admiration and a worship for forces of the nature.
Игуассу – a city on southwest border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, in 1500 km from Rio de Janeiro and 1065 km from the Dignity-paolu.
Falls Игуасу are opened in 1541 the Spanish conquistador доном Alvaro Nunesom Kaseso де a Tank, appeared here in search of gold инков. The first card of area has been made only in the end of 19 centuries. The border between Brazil and Argentina, established after «the Drink of a devil» bilateral agreements 1903 and 1904, has been definitively defined only in 1928
Sights - that should be visited
Certainly, main sight Игуасу – falls. They are located on a joint of borders of Brazil and Argentina. Here there is a huge gorge – «the Drink of a devil», extent of 2700 metres. The falls streams which number sometimes reaches 275, fall in gorge from height of 72 metres.
Special bridges connect the islands acting from boiling foam on the brink of a precipice, allow to approach to falls as much as possible close. Falls surround woods of the National park Iguasu occupying territory by the area of 17000 hectares, it is under the aegis of UNESCO.
In Park of Birds it is possible to see more than 900 thousand kinds of birds in natural conditions of dwelling. Very beautiful, bright parrots, the humming-bird, herons, tapirs, a flamingo, cormorants, falcons Here are found, eagles etc. Besides birds it is possible to see crocodiles, lemurs, boas, monkeys.
Hydroelectric power station Itajpu – the greatest HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION in the world, consisting of 18 turbines, has extent of 8 km and height of 196 m. It is the joint project of Brazil and Paraguay, providing 25 % of necessary Brazil and 95 % of the electric power necessary for Paraguay.
Councils to tourists
In National park Iguasu it is possible to take pleasure in tremendous rafting. Tourists have a possibility to make тридцатиминутный descent on the river Iguasu on inflatable boats with oars.
One more remarkable entertainment – walk on trees. It is lifting on trunks by means of cords and movement on cables between tops of trees. On strong эвкалиптах various platforms are built: from the most simple at height of 50 sm over the earth to more difficult, erected to a 8-metre mark.