Petropolis - Brazil. The information on Petropolis - sights and museums Petropolis. Rest to Petropolis. Hotels and hotels Petropolis


PetropolisPetropolis is obliged by the occurrence to second and last emperor of Brazil Педру II who has ascended to a throne in some years after renunciation of a throne of his father, Педру I.

Young Педру II very much loved channels. It also has served as the reason of occurrence of a new city with set of channels which named in honour of the Emperor - Petropolis. Since 1843 Педру II has made this place the official summer residence. Located in mountains, small and cool Petropolis was in the summer the best alternative too to hot Rio de Janeiro. It is natural, that together with the emperor in mountains all court yard with all numerous ministers, advisers, generals, aide-de-camps, relatives, the friends familiar, aristocracy and all a darkness who considered as the plain duty to be near to a figure of the monarch moved also.

All this Brazilian nobility built here houses and private residences, equipped as it is possible is better the life and as a result there was absolutely unique city. Its centre became majestic Паласио империал - a place, where a vein an imperial family. Though majestic it is possible to consider this construction only to local colonial measures. From the European point of view for the middle of XIX century this palace was obviously simple-minded. And nevertheless дон Педру II very much it loved and preferred to spend here as much as possible time. Sometimes in it even there was a direct necessity. For example, in 1849 when Рио epidemic of the yellow fever has amazed, all state elite waited it in Petropolis.

The historical centre of Petropolis is limited by numerous channels which on a level with picturesque mountains surrounding settlement and make enough most part of its charm. The coast revetted with a granite, openwork bridges, a measured current of water, intricate reflexions in it of city constructions - when you see all it you start to understand why the emperor so loved this city. And loved so, that constantly thought out any new ornaments for the child. For example, on its plan for entertainments and high society amusements the Glass palace has been erected extraordinary original Паласио де a crystal, or, easier speaking. In this openwork construction erected on the advanced engineering technologies of the end of XIX century, arranged solemn evenings and receptions, listened to music or simply enjoyed a mountain cool of Alpine air.

Педру II was the good emperor. Despite the fact that what has got to it painfully the uneasy state, he managed to keep for the time being in it stability and an order. And nevertheless the end of the Brazilian empire inevitably came nearer. The quantity of the slaves occupied on manufacture of coffee, main article of the income of the state, became simply frightening. Besides pressure from the outside, first of all from the Great Britain has amplified also. In 1888 Педру II at last has been compelled to make about what all spoke last decades - to cancel slavery. Brazil became last country of New Light which has cancelled рабовладение. It became the beginning of the end of first and last empire in Latin America. On November, 15th, 1889 Portuguese dynasty Браганса was свергнута those who did not require any more a figure of the emperor as the guarantor of a slaveholding system. Planters, military men and industrialists have decided, that now they can operate the country. That, in general, also has occurred. Well and Педру II together with the family has been compelled to leave so Petropolis favourite by it and to go to exile to Europe. Паласио империал has become empty. It seemed, that the emperor on which command on a small plateau among rocky thickets there was a fine city, never will not return any more here.

However in 1921 when neither the emperor, nor his wives were not for a long time already in live, Brazilians have decided to pay last respects to the person who safely operated their country throughout fifty eight years. The monarchical couple was перезахоронена in a cathedral of Petropolis - the Dignity-pedru-de-alkantara. And mourning ceremony has been spent even before the termination of building of this Neogothic building. The cathedral construction has been finished much later, in 1939 Such haste speaks that it has been made to a centenary of the Brazilian independence. Perhaps it was and it is not so beautiful, but anyhow Педру II has found rest there where most of all liked to be during lifetime, - in a city named his name.

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