Ilheus - Brazil. The information on Ilheus - sights and museums Ilheus. Rest to Ilheus. Hotels and hotels Ilheus


Ilheus The city of Ilheus is located in the south of staff Баия. It is a developing resort with set of the untouched beaches stretched to the north and to the south from a city. For admirers of known Brazilian writer Zhorzhi Amadu, the city does not require representation as action of its several novels is developed in this ancient seaport. In Ilheus there is an export terminal of the industry of cocoa.

In huge territory of the virgin nature, in one of the most beautiful regions of Brazil, there are such the VIP resorts, as Итакаре, Тхай, Киароа and island Komandatuba.

It is a little history: In 1925 in the northeast of Brazil the terrible drought has burst, and the starving population has been compelled to leave hastily выжженые and fruitless fields. The way of refugees laid on the country south, and with themselves they could take only a minimum necessary for a survival.

The city of Ilheus which is at southern coast of staff Баия, has started to change and grow thanking all arriving on a plantation of cocoa to workers, that, in turn, promoted considerable growth of conditions of owners of the local earths.

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