Амасонас |
The second-large state of Venezuela (after laying to the north of staff Bolivar), Амасонас is the least occupied area of the country - half from it 120 000 inhabitants occupies staff capital - the city of Puerto-Ajakucho laying in the West, on east coast Orinoco. Northern part of this area smoothly passes in Gran-Sabana ("Great Plains") of Llanos, and the centre and the east concern already, more likely, spurs of Gviansky uplands, abounding with damp equatorial woods and well-known "тепуи". Almost completely covered with dense and almost impassable woods, Амасонас has in the territory more than hundred only the large rivers, not including infinite quantities of rivulets, streams and a channel, being and the birthplace of the Orinoco.
Here, on rough estimates, grows more than 8000 only known versions of plants, and works on detection of new kinds are conducted constantly, every year increasing number of representatives of flora known to a science on 4-5 kinds. Here lives some the most ancient breeding groups of continent "пиароа", "Arawak", "йекуана", "пемон" and "яномами", and, unlike the fellow tribesmen in the north, inhabitants Амасонаса do not hasten to leave the traditions, till now conducting the seminomadic way of life based on hunting and collecting.
Труднопроходимость these surprising places very much limits possibility of their visiting. As a unique starting point for all rounds the staff capital - the city of Puerto-Ajakucho (it is based in 1924 г as port for wood shipment) which can brag of Only ethnologic museum Амасонаса, the market of handicrafts before it and авенидой Rio-Negro, also transformed into one big trading number serves. And round a city rocky hills (Serro-Periko, the Serro-ale-samuro rise and Serro-Pintado), on many of which are found out петроглифы, dated V-III in the millenia BC