Букараманга |
The capital of department Santander, Букараманга lays in valley Rio-del-Oro ("the Gold river"), in 350 km to the northeast from Bogota. Based in 1622, the city is considered simultaneously and one of the most historical, and one of the advanced cities of Colombia. Because of its picturesque environment and an abundance of parks a city often call La-Sjudad-Bonita ("the Nice city") or "La-Sjudad-de-Los-Parkes (" the City of parks "), that it is no wonder - despite the sizes (except direct Букараманги, the megacity structure includes small towns Girins, Пиедекуэста and Флоридабланка, and also 14 communes) and the developed industry, here are more than 70 large parks and uncountable quantity of small squares. And the main ornaments of a city are cathedral Katedral-de-Sagrada-Korason (XVIII), a private residence to the Kasa-de-feather-de-lakrua (here according to Симона Bolivar "Diary Букараманги" has been written well-known), a private residence Kasa-de-bolivar on Калье-37 (here in 1828 there lived "ale-libertador" - Симон Bolivar), Academy-de-history, the Art museum in building Каса-де-Ла-Культура-Кустодио-Гарсия-Ровира, Park Garsija-Rovira and buildings La-Gobernason-de-Santander surrounding it, Alkalda-de-Bukaramanga, the Parrokia-de-dignity-laureano (1774 г - one of the oldest churches of a city) and Kapilja-de-Los-Dolores (XVII in - the oldest church in a city), area Tsivika-Luis-Karlos-Galan-Salmiento, Municipal institute of culture in a building old Library-publiko (XVIII) and a modern art Museum (works of artists of Santander, Colombia and foreign authors).
Near to international airport Bukaramangi church Lebriha - almost exact copy of the church with the same name in Seville (Andalusia, Spain) rises. Based in 1631, the small town Giron lays approximately in 10 km from Букараманги. It consider as small reserve of a colonial epoch - areas Plasuela-Peralta and Plasuela-de-las-Nueves are simply charming, and looking at them it is easy to understand, why this small city involves in itself стольких artists and actors. And in suburb Bukarika the botanical garden Hardin-Botaniko-Eloj-Valensuela framed, as a picture by a frame, the river Rio-Frio and numerous gardens on its coast was stretched.
Halfway between Букарамангой and Bogota the small town Tunha - capital of department Bojjaka and one of живописнейших country cities lays. It has been based already in 1539 on ruins of ancient capital of empire of Indians "муиска" - Унса, and to its sights usually carry colonial buildings the Ale-puente-de-bojjaka (now the Art museum), Kasa-de-Don-Huan-de-Vargas (XVIII) with its magnificent frescos and андалусским a garden, cathedral Катедраль (1569) on the area Plasa-de-bolivar here is located, and also churches Santa Clara (XVII) and Santo-Domingo (XVI in - the first female monastery in region).
In total in an hour of driving from Тунха widely known tourist centre - Vilja-de-Lejva, based in 1572 was stretched. Silent and picturesque quarters Vilja-de-Lejva are literally penetrated by spirit of epoch, and its central area, which already more than 400 years as the show-window of colonial architecture draws to itself tens artists and thousand tourists. It is no wonder, that the government total the present centre of arts regularly carries out every possible cultural actions on which from mountains quite often go down "чачакос" in smart national suits. In 1954 Vilja-de-Lejva it has been declared by a monument of history of national scale.