Popayan |
One of the most beautiful and well remained colonial cities of Colombia, Popayan is capital of department Cauca. It has been based on a slope of volcano Пураче all by the same Себастьяном де Белалкасаром in 1537. Located halfway between Bogota and Кито, it soon enough became the large centre of cultivation and sugar cane processing. The temperate climate has involved here many immigrants, and the city has grown in important religious and shopping centre with many churches, monasteries, seminaries and the succeeding companies.
Today here it is possible to see churches the Iglesija-de-dignity-frantsisko (the church and a female monastery the Dignity-agustin is widely known for the fine altar), Iglesija-de-Santo-Domingo, Iglesija-de-La-Ermita (1546 г - the oldest church of a city), cathedral Катедраль (it is restored after earthquake 1983 г when all city centre almost has been completely destroyed, and have spent all regenerative and restoration works townsmen), Iglesija-de-Karmen, Iglesija-de-Enkarnason, the Iglesija-de-dignity-hose, and also the Chapel-de-belen from which walls the fine panorama on a city and vicinities opens. (Modern art), museum of poet Guillermo Valensija, Museum of natural history, University of Cauca, building Morro-de-Tulkan with statue Белалкасара, bridge Umiljadero with its brick arches are worthy museum Kasa-Museo-Moskera with meeting of samples of colonial art, meeting of religious art in Museo-de-Arte-Religioso (it is located in a building of an old Franciscan monastery), the Kasa-museo-Negro.
Severo-to the east cities there is a small village Silva known for the community of Indians "гуамбиано" (one of the most traditional ethnic groups of Colombia) and the weekly market (on Tuesdays) on which it is possible to get acquainted with local Indians and their traditional clothes, and also to buy products of domestic industries or the freshest local fruit. Nearby, all in 2,5 km from a city, on the bank of the river Magdalena, the site of stone sculptures largest in the South America - Archaeological park the Dignity-agustin (it is included in the list of the World heritage of UNESCO) is located. Here, on the area about 310 sq. km, it is scattered nearby 500 мегалитических sculptures in height from 20 centimetres to 7 metres dated, by different estimations, period I-XIV centuries d.C. In Boske-de-las-Estatuas ("Wood of statues") are placed 35 more figures, between them the convenient foot track is laid, and in Fuente-de-Lavapates ("the ablution Source", apparently - the main ritual place of a necropolis) is found out ritual pool with traces of numerous sacrifices. The rocky valley of park all is cut by channels and reservoirs. In park also there is a small archaeological museum with an extensive collection of the pottery found out in these places and cult subjects. A little bit more low on the river one more archaeological complex - the Ale-altos-de-los-idolos ("the Hill of idols"), protected by stone sculptures, and still to the north - well-known necropolises Alto-de-Lavapatas and La-Kakire, with their painted sculptures which have been cut down in steep rocks from a uniform stone rises.
To the east of Popayan one of the most picturesque national parks of the country - Park-nasonal-puras lays. In park borders the volcano (4758) with the same name, numerous lakes, falls and hot sources lay, and фумарольные lakes the Termales-de-dignity-huan are sated by sulphur, and sources Пилимбала form the hot streams merging in small thermal lakes, the reputed curative.
In department Cauca entering into the list of the world heritage of UNESCO National archaeological park Tierradentro ("the Internal earth") - the second for the importance (after the Dignity-agustina) an archaeological complex of Colombia also is located. Within the park occupying extensive territory in the middle of a narrow mountain valley, it is located about hundred sculptures and caves, largest of which are Segovia, the Ale-duende, the Alto-de-dignity-andres and the Ale-aguakate in which the set of funeral chambers (some is revealed reach depths in 7 m at width in 12), decorated with difficult geometrical lists. Surprisingly, but nearby from a necropolis it is not revealed settlements доколумбовой epoch that says that mysterious builders Тиеррадентро (roughly VI-X centuries d.C.) Were the nomadic people, and were flown down here for execution of ceremonies from all territory of Cordilleras. Their successors American Indian tribes "паез" can be, whose settlements are scattered today on neighbouring mountains. In Конкисты "паез" have become famous as a ruthless tribe of soldiers that has allowed them to remain free from the Spanish sovereignty till the end of XVII century. Today the museum which contains the most interesting samples of funeral urns, pottery and the ornaments found on a place of excavation is nearby open.