Пуэрто Мальдонадо |
Пуэрто Мальдонадо - a city in Southeast Peru, Carlos Leonom-Velarde Valkarkelem based originally for meeting of wild rubber.
Пуэрто Мальдонадо there are in wood of Amazon, 55 km to the West from the Bolivian border, on merge Тамбопата and Мадр де Диоа Ривэ, in the river of Amazon. The climate is tropical. The main industries in Пуэрто Мальдонадо: wood preparation, gold dredging, gathering of the Brazilian nut and eko-tourism. The ferry crosses the river, connecting the main road from Cuzco to the Peruvian cities Dignity Лоренсо, Iberia and Инапари.
There are some tourist eko-small houses to which it is necessary добратся a boat from Пуэрто Мальдонадо.
One of the main temptations - hundreds ар which gather in various "colpas", or "collpas", the Language word кечуа, that means the salty earth, (clay licks), daily, to eat clay.
The main source of the income of city of Puerto Мальдонадо - еко - tourism and a structure of boats to transport.
The climate is hot and damp always, damp run of a season since October till April when road travel becomes frequent the impossible.
As gasoline cost is very high in this area, the main way of transportation among local residents - a motorcycle.
Пуэрто Мальдонадо serves Падре Олдамиз the International Airport, which is used to transport eko-tourists.