Юкай - Peru. The information about Юкай - sights and museums Юкай. Rest in Юкай. Hotels and hotels Jukaj


The area Jukaj belongs to area Урубамба. Юкай it is located in 78 km to the northeast of the city of KuskoKalka.

The city of Jukaj of origin Incan which is allocated because of the rests of palace Инки Litter Тупак (one of Инок rebel Vilcabamba), colonial church and a small museum of a site.

According to legends, in the middle of XV centuries, approximately, Инка Хуэйна Капак it has been fascinated by incomparable magnificence of parametres of adjustment Юкей and has decided to locate there. Two physical elements have transformed Юкей into favourite place Инок: softness of its weather and magnificence of its landscape.

Amazed with riches and abundance of area, he ordered, that mitimaes has brought there the richest soil from all valleys Tahuantinsuyo to increase productivity of this place. Extraordinary terraces культивирования Юкей make the proof of this huge effort.

As Юкей - on 600 metres below Cuzco and, in general, all Sacred Valley, it is ideal for tourists. Expenses of the first days in this area will allow you to eat and sleep easy.

Юкай has the most magnificent hotel of a valley. The main building - the ancient colonial big chaotic house constructed in the middle of XVI centuries by nuns of Order Санта Каталины де Саены. Visitors of hotel have chance to take part in Posada Aventura, the program which organises adventure rounds, to campaigns, a mountain bicycle, trips of a horse and balloon trips. In each program - bilingual guides, the modern and full equipment, effective system of safety, and all precautions to arrange an unforgettable trip.

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