Namibia - the information on the country. Resorts, the cities of Namibias. Rest and rounds in Namibia Sights Namibia Hotels Namibia



Cтолица, large cities Windhoek
Difference with Kiev in time Lags behind on an hour, from April till October of an arrow of hours are translated on summertime (+1 hour to standard)
Telephone code +264
Monetary unit Namibijsky dollar
The visa It is not required
State language африкаанс and English, widespread German, ошиванго, гереро, каванго, нама, дамара and овамбо
The population
About 1,95 million persons

Namibia — the state in the southwest of Africa, is washed by waters of Atlantic ocean. Namibia borders on Angola, Botswana, the republic of South Africa and Zambia. From the West the central plateau is limited by desert Namib, from the east — Kalahari desert. Enters into British Commonwealth of the nations.

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