Ethiopia - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Ethiopia. Rest and rounds in Ethiopia Sights of Ethiopia Hotels of Ethiopia



Cтолица, large cities Addis Ababa
Difference with Kiev in time Advances at 1 o'clock
Telephone code 251
Monetary unit быр
The visa Visa presence is required
Tip Tip makes 5-10 % in large and at hotel restaurants, in small and private institutions - to the discretion of the visitor
State language
The population
About 60 million persons

The country Ethiopia it is located on the Ethiopian uplands surrounded with plains. The waste valley as though dissects it. Borders on Eritrea and Djibouti in the northeast, with Somalia — in the east and the southeast, with Kenya — in the southwest and Sudan — in the west. Ethiopia of an exit to the sea has no.

The information on the country Ethiopia

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Regions, Cities and resorts of Ethiopia


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