Tahiti - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Tahiti. Rest and rounds in Tahiti Sights of Tahiti Hotels of Tahiti



Cтолица, large cities Papeete, is on an island of Tahiti
Difference with Kiev in time In the winter - lags behind at 12 o'clock, in the summer – at 13 o'clock
Telephone code +689
Monetary unit 1 Euro is approximately equal to 120 Polynesian francs
The visa It is necessary, cost of registration from 35 euros
Cost of a "typical" supper From 10$ to 35$ on the person
Tip Are not welcomed, contradict Tahiti hospitality
Rent авто a day On the average about 2000,00 Polynesian francs
State language Official languages – French and Tahiti, however speak many also in English, especially in tourist areas
The population
250 thousand persons

Tahiti is the mountain island, one of which tops Orohena reaches 2 240 metres. At northwest coast there is a capital Papete, and also the port protected from ocean waves by reeves.

Tahiti consists of two islands connected among themselves by a small isthmus.

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