National park Everglejds. The USA

National park Everglejds

National park Everglejds is located in a southern part of Florida. It is based in 1947. The park occupies плошадь 566,8 thousand in hectares.

National park Everglejds are the unique subtropical thickets which are occupying huge territory and being the greatest fresh-water bog in the world. But it is not simple a bog, these are the present jungle, many rare and surprising plants here grow. Эверглейдс it is characterised by an exclusive variety of a water inhabitancy, and it is occupied by numerous kinds of birds and reptiles, including some, being under the threat of disappearance, for example манати.

Bogs Эверглейдс are limited from the West to Gulf of Mexico and from the south islands Florida Keyss. The territory is crossed by several roads, besides, considerable sites can be surveyed from a boat. This huge bog eats waters of lake Okeechobee, the biggest lake of the North America, not considering Great Lakes. Water from lake filters into ground limestone, and then disperses on huge marshy area through system водоносных layers. In Эверглейдсе covering huge spaces dense, places impassable thickets prevail. Huge spaces here are occupied by dense thickets of the sword-grass reaching in height of 4 metres. On small islets various deciduous trees, set of orchids and ferns grow and different wild animals live. On ocean coast the fresh-water bog gives way to a strip мангровых thickets; this only thing поросшее wood a salty bog in all North America.

The territory of national park Everglejds is classified as reserve of the wild nature. More than 1 000 seed plants, including 25 versions of orchids and 120 kinds of trees, among which tropical palm trees and мангровые trees, characteristic for a moderate belt, such as an oak and an ash, and also desert plants, including the yucca and a cactus Here is.

Colonies of birds use cypress and мангровые woods for nesting, and eat on поросших a grass bogs. Эверглейдс has exclusive value for birds; here them it is registered more than 320 kinds. Among them meet very rare, such as a wood stork, a red heron and southern race of a white-headed sea eagle. The Kite-slizneed eats exclusively snails, using the specifically adapted long, curve beak with the sharp end to pull out them from an armour. Frequent visitors of fresh-water bogs and birds eating fish, and мангровых live in a coastal strip краснокрылые American колпицы, pelicans, the American wood ibises and herons.

More than 150 various kinds of fishes meet in coastal waters, providing a good food to numerous birds, reptiles and mammals.

National park Everglejds is entered in the list objects of the World heritage of UNESCO.

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