Port. Dominican republic

Пуэрто the Payment makes and exports cocoa, coffee and tobacco, and is one of ten provinces of the country with the most developed cattle breeding. Here liquors, dairy products and macaroni are made. A part of its population it is occupied by fishing. The sugar cane which was brought by Columbus in 1493, was посеян for the first time here, in Пуэрто the Payment, and till 1990 was the main agricultural crop.

Today Пуэрто the Payment lives for tourism and at the expense of tourism. The tourist Zone occupies 300 thousand square metres of beaches. Eleven kilometres of a beach which lasts from Кофреси to Сосуа, are capable to satisfy requirements of the most exacting traveller.

In gulf Пуэрто the Payment is tourist port which accepts the ships and круизные liners every week. Air means of communication connect Пуэрто the Payment to almost all important cities of the world. The main routes are served by prestigious airlines of the world.

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