Estate Rose Holl. Jamaica

Estate Rose Holl

Estate Rose HollThe estate Rose Holl has been constructed in 1770х years by rich planter John Palmer. John and his wife the Rose in which honour the manor is named, were the most influential people of Jamaica of that time. Slaves have destroyed the house during Christmas Revolt of 1831. In 1966 the building was interiors by means of original antiques of 18 centuries are restored and recreated.

But the most attractive for tourists is nevertheless the legend about the White Witch, Anna Palmer. The grandnephew of the founder of an estate John Rose Palmer married Anna in 1820. Though Anna was English-irladnskogo origins, the legend says that she has grown to Haiti where has seized black magic вуду. John Palmer has been poisoned soon after a marriage, its second husband is killed, and the third is strangled. Fourth husband Anna Palmer managed to run away, soon after that she was found strangled in own bed. In 1929 novelist Gi De Lisser has described this history in the novel "the White witch from Rose Holla".

How to reach?
2км to the east from Айроншора

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