History Бразилиа. Brazil

History Бразилиа

That in the geographical centre of Brazil the new capital will be constructed, people knew very much for a long time: in XVI century monk-Jesuit Anshietta has predicted it, but nobody knew, when the prophecy will come true.

Only in two centuries — in 1789 — the foreground of building of new capital has been offered, but at once has been rejected. Again the thought on building has arisen after thirty three years when the son of Portuguese king Zhoao II Педро has proclaimed Brazil empire independent of Portugal but also then supporters of building of support have not received. Only in 1891 party «new capital» has achieved considerable successes — in the first Brazilian Constitution has been written down, that the future Federal district with the capital centre should take places on a rectangular site of the earth in staff Гойас, in the centre of the country. But also after that building has not begun — there was no the person, ready to carry out this dream. The person who has carried out dream has appeared only in the middle of XX century — the former mayor of Belo Horizonte, and now the new president of Brazil Джуселино Кубичек де Оливейра became this person. It was we will gain dream of country prosperity, and the idea of new capital has appeared in the spirit of the policy spent by it. After eight years of prospecting works the place has been chosen in a sparsely populated part of staff Гойас, on plateau in height of 1100 m above sea level, in 1200 km from Rio de Janeiro. Being the mayor, Оливейра has got acquainted with architect Oscar Nimejerom, and becoming the president, has suggested it to design new capital of Brazil. Нимейер has agreed to work over the basic governmental buildings, but for the general plan of building has advised to hold open competition.

Competition declared on July, 19th, 1956, 26 works participated in it, and has won the project of the friend and teacher Nimejera, Brazilian architect-modernista Ljusio Kosty. He has suggested to construct a city in the form of a cross, or as have seen some, in the form of the plane — both that and another was very symbolical. Бразилиа can be proud — the city has planned Люсио Коста, the important governmental buildings were designed by Oscar Nimejer, landscape writer Robert Burle Marx has planned gardens, has picked up the plants, capable to plant trees and shrubs in dry plateau, — the trio of geniuses participated in a birth of new capital.

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