Nigeria - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Nigeria. Rest and rounds in Nigeria Sights of Nigeria Hotels of Nigeria



Cтолица, large cities Абуджа
Difference with Kiev in time Lags behind at 1 o'clock. Since last Sunday March till last Sunday September - at 2 o'clock.
Telephone code 234
Monetary unit найра
The visa It is necessary
State language
English, French
The population
115 million persons

The country Nigeria it is located in the Western Africa. In the south it is washed by waters of Atlantic ocean. In the west borders on Benin, in the north — with Niger, in the northeast — with Chad, in the east and the southeast — with Cameroon.

The information on the country Nigeria

The help


Life of people

Formalities and entrance rules

Regions, Cities and resorts of Nigeria


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