Seychelles - the information on the country. Resorts, the cities of Sejshel. Rest and rounds to Seychelles Sights Сейшел Hotels Sejshel



Cтолица, large cities Victoria. The main "tourist" islands — Mahe, Праслин and La-Dig
Difference with Kiev in time Advances at 2 o'clock in the winter, in the summer — 1
Telephone code 248
Monetary unit Seychelles rupee/SCR (1 rupee = 100 cents)
1 USD = ~6.13 SCR
The visa The visa opens at the airport
Cost of a "typical" supper ~80-100 USD
Tip To give tip it is not accepted (usually they are included in the account)
Rent авто a day From 70 USD
State language
Creole, English, French
The population
About 81 thousand persons, the majority — Creoles
Beach rest - Seychelles

Islands-reserves, the protogenic nature, small bays where there is no person, white sand, palm trees and stones from multi-coloured marble create really an unearthly landscape. It is supplemented with not less fantastic underwater world occupied by huge turtles and slopes.

More than hundreds granite and coral Seychelles from which only third is lived, are considered as one of the best in the world of places for a scuba diving, fishing and walks on yachts. Local tourist "exclusive" — possibility to participate in competitions on catching blue марлина (a version of a tuna with a nose in the form of a sword).

Seychelles (Сейшелы) are located in Indian ocean to the south from equator, represent archipelago from granite and coral islands. A total area - 176 sq. miles.

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