Eritrea - the information on the country. Resorts, the cities of Eritreas. Rest and rounds in Eritrea Sights Eritrea Hotels Eritrea



Cтолица, large cities Асмэра
Difference with Kiev in time Advances at 1 o'clock
Telephone code +291
Monetary unit Накфа (Nfa, ERN), ограниченно it is used Ethiopian бырр (ETB)
The visa The visa is required
Tip Usually make 10 % from the account sum, at small restaurants tip of calculation 0,2-0,5 US dollars
State language
Тиграи (тигринья), амхэра and Arabian. Widespread English
The population
About 4 million persons

Eritrea is in Northeast Africa, at coast of Red sea. The territory, mostly, mountainous, to 80 % of territory of the country occupies the Eritrejsky plateau, height to 3248 m. (Асимба), in the southeast - hollow Афар. A country Total area - 124,3 thousand sq. km.

Eritrea borders on Sudan, Djibouti and Ethiopia.

The information on the country Eritrea

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