Панджаб - Pakistan. The information about Панджаб - sights and museums Панджаб. Rest in Панджаб. Hotels and hotels Pandzhab


ПанджабПанджаб (Punjab) - the richest area of Pakistan with ancient history and culture. Travel on a province is better to begin with Бахавальпура (Bahawalpur), a prospering and hospitable city. From Бахавальпура it is possible to begin travel on Чолистану, to deserted area on which tribes of nomads and the ancient fortresses destroyed by time and a wind are scattered. If to go further, on the north, it is possible to get in Харрапу - the second after Моенджодаро the centre индуистской cultures.

To the north from Lahore 2 cities similar against each other, one of which Равальпинди, and another Исламбад - present capital of Pakistan are located. From here it is possible to get easily in Хасан Абдул (Hasan Abdul), a pilgrimage place, and to excavation Таксила (Taxila). Also as well as in Моенджодаро, in Таксила the rests of one of the most ancient cultures have been found in the world, гандхарской, which age more than 5 thousand years. In Таксиле it is possible to visit an archaeological museum.

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