Money in Singapore. Singapore

Money in Singapore

The Singapore dollar (S $), to equal 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes advantage 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 10000 Singapore dollars, and also coins face value in 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and 1 dollar. Also free circulation in country territory has the dollar of Brunei equal to the Singapore.

Banks work from Monday till Friday with 09:30-10:00 till 15:00, on Saturday – with 09:30-11:00 till 13:00. Many branches of large banks on Orched-roud work on Sundays from 09:30 till. Exchange offices are located in the majority of shopping centres, but they work with 10:00-11:00 till 17:00, some – to 20:00-21:00. Therefore about exchange it is necessary to see to it in advance.

The foreign currency and traveller's cheques can be обменены in the majority of banks and specialised exchange offices. The course is stable and practically everywhere is identical. To avoid additional expenses on exchange rate fluctuations, it is recommended to take with itself traveller's cheques in pounds sterling.

Credit cards have the broadest distribution and are the basic means of payment. Singapore even plans to pass in the near future at payment of the goods and services only to non-cash payment means. In all institutions accept American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa, and also cards of local banks. Cash dispenses can be found out in all institutions, even in tiny cafes or private little shops.

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