Jordan - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Jordan. Rest and rounds in Jordan Sights of Jordan Hotels of Jordan



Cтолица, large cities Amman
Difference with Kiev in time No
Telephone code 962
Monetary unit Dinar (1 JD=100 to piastres)
1 JD = ~1.4USD
The visa It is necessary, cost of the visa ~15 USD (at the airport)
~17 USD (in consulate in Moscow), in Aqaba — it is free, since there a special economic zone
Cost of a "typical" supper ~15-20 USD
Tip 0 JD
State language
The Arabian. In tourist areas also are extended English, French, German and Italian.
The population
Over 5,8 million persons
Jordan - Excursion rounds

Jordan is present kingdom and the state favourably combining east exotic with the European style of work of a tourist infrastructure. Despite all Near-Eastern conflicts, Jordan remains absolutely safe country which does not have conflicts both in kingdom, and with neighbours. It eloquently confirms the following fact: unlike a number of other Arabian countries, entrance to Jordan at presence in the passport of the Israeli visa is not limited.

In Jordan it is possible to unite pleasant (swimming with a tube among reeves of Red sea) with useful (rest or treatment on the Dead Sea). Sportsmen-rock-climbers can go for some days to landscape reserve — mountainous desert of Vadi-frames, and divers will open for themselves a northeast part of Red sea — from the Jordanian city of Aqaba to the border with Saudi Arabia.

Among numerous sights of the country Jordan — a place of a christening of Jesus on the river Jordan and Макавир, a place of truncation of head John Krestitelja, sulfuric and mineral sources in which there is no time the tsar of Judea the Tyrant Great, a cave in which the Prize with the daughters after falling of Sodom and Gomorrah disappeared luxuriated.

In the north Jordan borders on Syria, in the east - with Iraq, in the west - with Israel, in the south and the southeast - with Saudi Arabia. The small site of southern border of the country is washed by waters of the Akabsky gulf of Red sea.

The information on the country Jordan


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Formalities and entrance rules

Regions, Cities and resorts of Jordan


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