Jordan |
Cтолица, large cities | Amman |
Difference with Kiev in time | No |
Telephone code | 962 |
Monetary unit | Dinar (1 JD=100 to piastres) 1 JD = ~1.4USD |
The visa | It is necessary, cost of the visa ~15 USD (at the airport) ~17 USD (in consulate in Moscow), in Aqaba — it is free, since there a special economic zone |
Cost of a "typical" supper | ~15-20 USD |
Tip | 0 JD |
State language | The Arabian. In tourist areas also are extended English, French, German and Italian. |
The population | Over 5,8 million persons |
Jordan - Excursion rounds |
Jordan is present kingdom and the state favourably combining east exotic with the European style of work of a tourist infrastructure. Despite all Near-Eastern conflicts, Jordan remains absolutely safe country which does not have conflicts both in kingdom, and with neighbours. It eloquently confirms the following fact: unlike a number of other Arabian countries, entrance to Jordan at presence in the passport of the Israeli visa is not limited. In Jordan it is possible to unite pleasant (swimming with a tube among reeves of Red sea) with useful (rest or treatment on the Dead Sea). Sportsmen-rock-climbers can go for some days to landscape reserve — mountainous desert of Vadi-frames, and divers will open for themselves a northeast part of Red sea — from the Jordanian city of Aqaba to the border with Saudi Arabia. Among numerous sights of the country Jordan — a place of a christening of Jesus on the river Jordan and Макавир, a place of truncation of head John Krestitelja, sulfuric and mineral sources in which there is no time the tsar of Judea the Tyrant Great, a cave in which the Prize with the daughters after falling of Sodom and Gomorrah disappeared luxuriated. |
In the north Jordan borders on Syria, in the east - with Iraq, in the west - with Israel, in the south and the southeast - with Saudi Arabia. The small site of southern border of the country is washed by waters of the Akabsky gulf of Red sea.