Morocco - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Morocco. Rest and rounds in Morocco Sights of Morocco Hotels of Morocco



Cтолица, large cities Rabat
Difference with Kiev in time Lags behind at 2 o'clock in the winter, at 3 o'clock in the summer
Telephone code 212
Monetary unit Moroccan dirham/MdH (1 дирхам = to 100 centimes)
1 USD = ~8,5 MDH, 1 EUR = ~11 MDH
The visa It is necessary
Cost of a "typical" supper ~8-10 USD in cafe, 15-25 USD at restaurant
Rent авто a day From 45 USD
State language
The French, Arabian
The population
32,7 million persons (99 % — Arabs and берберы)
Beach rest in Morocco

Morocco — one of the states of Maghrib, occupying an extreme western part of the extensive Arabian world. This is no time the "closed" country today has widely opened the doors for foreign tourists.

The country Morocco — a direction with various kinds of rest at various times year: from solar beaches at the Atlantic coast (operating practically all year long) to mounting skiing resorts in Atlas mountains. Here too many historical, natural and ethnic sights.

The basic resorts in Morocco

Agadir, Casablanca (Casablanca), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Es-Suvejra (Essaouira).

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