Death valley |
Death valley - occupying the territory equal to 3.3 million of acres, Death valley is considered the greatest park in territory of the USA and the adjacent states. From the West Death valley the mountain props up the Telescope Peak (Telescope Peak), 11.049 foots which have risen on height. And in the east the valley rests against mountain Dantez bottom I Twist (Dante's View), from height of 5.475 which foots the tremendous kind almost on all valley opens.
The lowest point of the Western Hemisphere (Western Hemisphere) – Бедвотер (Badwater) settles down on 282 foots below a sea level.
The national park Death valley is opened all year long, but summer temperatures reach in this district of a point of 120 degrees by Farenheit and if you hardly transfer the heat, the best period for valley visiting - winter months. The considerable quantity of tourists is necessary on this season – since February on the middle of April, however in November too it is a lot of tourists.
Visit to a valley is recommended to begin Shout with place Фурнес is the most brisk and crowded a part of Death valley on which campings are located, restaurants, snackbars, pools. Here it is possible to hire a horse and to make unusual walk on a valley.
In park territory there are 9 campings where in total is about one and a half thousand small houses for tourists. Different campings have the different schedule and are opened at various times year. Therefore, in any campings it is possible to reserve at once a small house, and in what-only under the advanced order. Room cost in a camping – from 10 dollars to 16 for a night.
In Death valley there is a set of various attractions and entertaining shows. For example "the City of ghosts" - old, for a long time the thrown small town старателей and miners. And also – the house named by name well-known gold digger, "Lock Skotti".
Visitors of a valley can investigate park corners on powerful jeeps with a full drive (the truth, only on specially laid roads for tourists) to be engaged in mountaineering or "bicycle tourism".
In the end of October rangers-forest wardens of park represent the program including employment on astronomy, studying of surrounding desert, history of early Ry building in region and geology. These programs are spent in the Tourist centre "Фурнес Shout" and in "Lock Skotti" building where foresters of park, in clothes of times of 1939 daily represent live historical театрализированный round from 9 mornings till 5 evenings. Other rounds will be organised on the routes conducting on a bottom of canyons of park.
History of Death valley
"Death valley" has received bad reputation because of the name and ominous names of many places opened in its territory.
Historians tell, that tribes of American Indians Шошони (Shoshone) were the first inhabitants of "Death valley". In 1849 in a valley for the first time there was a group white колониств. They thought, that the way through this valley will be the shortest road to California. Their expectations have turned back tragedy. Exhausted by the hardest travel, few survived travellers who have crossed a valley, named it "a death Valley".
Lock Skotti
On northeast suburb of Death valley medieval towers of a museum and an architectural monument - Lock Skotti, constructed in the early twenties as a summer residence - a rest house removed from a civilisation tower. The lock has been erected on задумке the rich American from the average West – Alberta Johnson (Albert M. Johnson). The building looks as the reduced copy "San Simeon" - is filled by antique, historical and other unusual subjects of the architectural design which far forward has left from architectural canons of time when has been constructed.
The history of occurrence of the lock is even more unusual, than its architecture. In the beginning of the last century the gold digger by name of Уолтер Scott (Walter E. Scott) has got acquainted with Albertom Johnson. Уолтер Scott was known in those days as "Скотти from Death valley" as has spent many years, studying and reconnoitering area of valley Райолайт (Rhyolite).
Well knowing these places Скотти has recommended canyon district Grejpvajn Albertu (Grapevine Canyon), as a good corner for building of a country house for rest. The district was ennobled and therefrom the valley was well looked through. And, perhaps, presence on this earth of drinking sources was the most important factor which was speaking well for offer Скотти.
Soon on desert suburb was воздвигнуто the big, many-storeyed building covered with decorative plates constructed in the Spanish style. To build this lock, Albert Johnson has not regretted huge capital investments.
On perimetre the building roof is crowned with towers which settle down over each room of the top floors. In the lock - primitive furniture in "southeast style", walls decorate ancient lanes, and rooms - a decor of times of king Arthur. The lock was under construction within 9 years, and its construction has managed in the unknown sums on those times: 1.5-2 million dollars that was ready above its present cost.
When the complex has been finished, Johnson named it "Ranch in Death valley". As contemporaries told, much more frequent visitor in the lock were Скотти. Therefore, the owner of the lock to name faster it was possible it, and Johnson – the visitor. And soon, the majority of people began to call lock "Lock Skotti", gradually absolutely having forgotten the present name of this building.