Айланд Вилладж. Jamaica

Айланд Вилладж

Айланд Вилладж The thematic park of entertainments close to a pier for куизных of courts, on crossing Мэйн Стрит and Yes Коста the Drive, has been opened in 2002. Here there is a beach, a cinema, the Internet the centre, shop of exclusive souvenirs, a bar and Jimmy Baffeta's restaurant Margaritavill with a huge choice of cocktails and American cuisine dishes, a concert platform, slot machines, and also unique museum Reggae Xplosion.

This museum tells about development of musical culture of Jamaica since 40th years of 20 centuries and up to now. Separate sections посвещены to such styles as mento, ska, reggae, dancehall, and also personally to the Gauze Bean. Здесть set of posters, photos and video, and also ear-phones in which music of each epoch plays. Here too there is a sound recording studio, Whether in which there is a unique equipment and интсрументы «Скретча» to Perr, the legendary composer and a sound продюссера, working with the Bean of the Gauze and other stars of a reggae.

The museum is opened from 9 mornings till 5 evenings. The park is opened from 8 mornings till 10 evenings. An input at week-days 10$, during week-end 5$. Cost includes excursion on a museum with the guide. After 5 evenings an input in Island Village the free. 

How to reach?
At crossing Main Street and DaCosta Drive

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