Falls Даннс Ривер. Jamaica

Falls Даннс Ривер

Falls Даннс РиверFalls Даннс Ривер are the most known sight of Jamaica. Their picturesque cascades fill with melodious murmur a cool and twilight of tropical wood, unexpectedly merging with a rustle of waves on the filled in sun a beach.

Here, on a beach, groups of tourists, keeping for hands, begin after the guide the ascension on the falls top, consisting of 600 not the most easy steps.

To get on top to you not to do without special rubber slippers, as stones in the river sharp enough and slippery. If at you is bought in Egypt тапки «for circulation on corals» necessarily take them ссобой if is not present them it is possible всять on hire in park for 5$.

In the most picturesque place of falls you will be waited by the photographer who will write down your data, and photos you will wait next day in hotel (at additional expense). You can give the chamber to the guide which will carry by it in a water-proof bag and will photograph you when ask (tip in this case are obligatory).

Do not forget to take a towel and a bathing suit, in park there are left-luggage offices and a locker room (5$)

The park is opened in 8:30 mornings till 5 evenings.
The ticket in park costs 6$ the adult and 3$ the children's.
It is necessary to try to get there as soon as possible since morning and it is better if in a city is not present круизных courts (for example during week-end).

How to reach?
Highway A3, 1 km to the West from a city

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