Park and cave Роаринг Ривер |
All the fan of the nature necessarily should visit park Roaring River. Mineral sources here beat from under the earth, and on stream slopes lilies and геоцинты grow. The water part goes on a stone aqueduct to the nearest pasture.
Take the guide, and together with it go down on stone steps in a cave in грубине a hill. Before you hardly shined two halls full of stalactites and stalagmites will open. Under a ceiling bats have a rest. Lateral passes conduct in uncertainty.
The guide will tell, that here arranged meetings pirates earlier, and fluent slaves later hid, and on lateral passes it is possible to get to the next villages. And as that all potable water of the western part of Jamaica originates in this hill.
After that to you придложат to bathe in an underground thermal source or to dive into «a bottomless hole». Water in a source improbably freshens and gives forces. When you leave on a surface ощщущение, that was born anew.
Descent in a cave with the guide costs 10$, 5$ for children.
Group round to take it is not necessary, it is possible to agree about an individual transfer with any авто or мото the taxi driver in Негриле.
How to reach?On highway from Негрила in Sav-lja-Mar