Pakse - Laos. The information on Pakse - sights and museums of Pakse. Rest in Pakse. Hotels and hotels of Pakse


Pakse The city is located on the peninsula limited in the south to Mekong, and in the west and the north - the river Sedon. Through northern part of the Old city from the West on the east there passes road № 13. The most part of city boards, hotels, shops, travel agencies and restaurants is concentrated To it. In the west on the same road are the airport (2 km from a city) and northern road service station (8 km from a city), and in an opposite direction, on road on Тямпассак, - southern road service station (8 km from a city).

Municipal transportation - tuk-tuk 2-5 thousand bales.

Six-storied hotel on the bank of the river Sedon have started to build in 1969 as residence of the local prince. Huge pools at bottom of three falls Татса (8 km to the east from a city on road № 13) use the big popularity among tourists and local residents.

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