Ванг Вианг |
The city is located along river Namsong coast approximately halfway between Vientiane and Луангпхабангом on road № 13. It is a convenient reloading point for those who aspires to take pleasure in karstic caves of mountain areas of Laos. From a city the narrow road, winding, goes through the mountains which have grown with damp tropical wood which tops rise above the boundless sea of white clouds like islands. The landscape - remarkable, and last years Вангвианг has turned in «бэкпакерскую country capital. It is possible to consider as an original city reference point restaurant Sanset which is directly on the bank of the river. Near old airdrome - Vientiane: once a day, 5ч., 8 thousand bales; Луангпхабанг: 9.00, 8 ч., 45 thousand bales; Пхонсаван: 9.30, 9 ч., 55 thousand bales.
Numerous caves round a city can be surveyed, having employed a conductor, or it is independent, being guided on a card, which sell (2000 bales) in little shops near the market. At an input in a cave each visitor pays to a conductor of 3000 bales. Group excursions (50 thousand bales) will organise in the majority of hotels. All caves are supplied by indexes in Laotian and English languages. Cave Тхамтям is shined. For a campaign on other caves the small lamp which can be hired is necessary.
In 2 km to the south from city centre behind the river there is cave Тхамтям. To reach it it is easy. To follow indexes which will lead to the bridge through the river enough. After the bridge the footpath in length about 1 km will deduce to an input in a cave. To the east from Вангвианга in spurs of ridge Pha-Deng there are some caves which it is possible to reach on road on village Nathong. The way begins from restaurant. During a dry season through the river it is easy to pass on the bamboo bridge (500 bales), during a season of rains the ferry (2000 bales) works. Behind a crossing the country first coat begins. Through 1 km from it the track to cave Kiav-Kham to the right will leave. The track to following cave Кхам (2 km from road) begins on the right party of road approximately in 3 km from a city. The village Nathong costs on 6th km. From its last houses to the right through a field there is a footpath to cave Пхыкхам (1,5 km from village).