Ари the Atoll - Maldive Islands. The information about Ари the Atoll - sights and museums Ари the Atoll. Rest in Ари the Atoll. Hotels and hotels Ari the Atoll

Ари the Atoll

Ари the AtollАри the Atoll - which extent makes 96 km at length and 33 km at width: 26 islands of an atoll are resort zones and 18 more islands are populated with indigenous population. The basic employment of population Ари of the Atoll is hunting for turtles, manufacturing of sails, gathering and an engraving of corals.

Besides, local residents Ари of the Atoll are excellent fishermen and are known for the dexterity in hunting for sharks from which extract oil for greasing dhoanis (дхони). On an atoll cultivation of coconut palm trees also is developed. Many people occupying an atoll, now work in hotels. Building of resorts has begun in the early nineties and by present time has reached the peak. It is expected, that any resort will not be constructed any more on atoll islands.

Ари the Atoll carry to the greatest atolls of Maldivian republic, it is located in the east of archipelago. Quantity of islands of an atoll - nearby 70. To them carry also sandy shallows from which islands then develop.

The basic employment of population Ари of the Atoll is hunting for turtles, manufacturing of sails, gathering and an engraving of corals. Besides, local residents are excellent fishermen and are known for the dexterity in hunting for sharks from which extract oil for greasing dhoanis (дхони). On an atoll cultivation of coconut palm trees also is developed. Many people occupying an atoll, now work in hotels. Building of resorts has begun in the early nineties and by present time has reached the peak. It is expected, that any resort will not be constructed any more on atoll islands.

In Atoll shops Ari various souvenirs, clothes, ornaments and perfumery are on sale.

On an atoll all conditions for employment by water kinds of sports are offered: surfing, swimming with a mask and ластами, a water ski, a canoe, a catamaran, rent of boats, driving on water bananas, the scooter, парасейлинг, is the diving centres.

On an atoll the organisation of fishing and excursion to nearby islands is possible.

On all resorts Ари there are the dajv-centres, some local dajv-sites are known all over the world and involve here serious divers.

Алавели, Маччафуши, Вилигиливару, Эллаиду and Батала are considered as "islands of divers" as here the convenient approach to reeves from magnificent sandy beaches, and some sea reserves nearby are located. Ангага has deserved an "island-beach" title (the beach occupies more than 25 % of its territory). Кудафолуду - one of the first islands-hotels of the higher class in the country, besides proud of the local sight - a huge tree баньяна, growing directly in hotel territory.

On Курамати 3 magnificent hotels, and also an archaeological site on which Round Хейердал spent the well-known excavation are located. On Налагураиду the largest and modern hotel on Maldive Islands is located (with the greatest pool accordingly), there is a set of sports constructions and even is a little expensive. On Rangali-Finolu - not less modern отельный a complex of a chain "Hilton" with ultramodern school of diving. Small Кудара, Атуруга, Велиду, Diddu-Finolu, Фесду, Маяфуши, Мирихи, Вакаруфали and Мадугали, and also larger Велиганду, Виламенду, Тундуфуши and Диффуши - quiet and smart resorts of Maldive Islands.

Sea reserves of May-tila are interesting to divers on Ари the Atoll, Orimas-Tila, Fish-Hed, Kudara-Tila, and also a unique coral reef Broken-fate in a southern part of atoll Ари, and reef Majja-Tila - in northern. The main interest slopes, which represent great variety around reef Мадивару (Manta-reef), and also a shark-hammer and other inhabitants of open ocean. Northern part of a reef of island Kalahandi-Hura is famous for the unique underwater relief, and also congestions of grey sharks.

Some places for diving Ари of the Atoll:

Ари the AtollMaayafushi Thila - a classical coral hill, a dwelling place белоперых sharks. Soft corals, jambs рифовых kinds of fish.

Halaveli Wreck - this site has arisen around intentionally flooded in 1991году the cargoship, длиною in 38 metres. Here slopes which specially lure are found in a considerable quantity.

Fesdu Wreck - the flooded 30-metre trawler, all поросший corals. In the case where it is easily possible to get, there live мурены, груперы, corals and sponges.

Ellaidhoo House Reef - an excellent house reef in 25 metres from a beach, but only for visitors of resort Ellaidhoo. In it there is a number of caves, corals, "fans", рифовые fishes, fishes-napoleony, slopes, мурены and even small рэк. It is popular as a place of night immersing.

Orimas Thila - very interesting underwater coral hill which is the protected natural zone. Ledges, caves, crevices, canyons, soft corals, sponges, "fans". The hill top is on depth of 3 metres under water so to investigate it it is possible and in a mask.

Fish Head - one of the dajv-sites most well-known all over the world. A coral hill with abrupt slopes, multilevel steps, ledges, caves, поросшими black corals and fans. Numerous fish слободка the main bait for divers - grey рифовые sharks consists from наполеонов and barracudas, but. Because of strong the current can dive to be сложновато, thus it is necessary to manage not to damage flora of this popular site.

Panetone - in this passage there are strong currents, therefore corals here themselves feel freely, also as barracudas, sharks, turtles. From December till April at an input in passage are fed манты.

Manta Reef - this дайв is also in the end of passage, whence water from internal lagoons of the atolls, sated with a plankton, follows in ocean. From December till April here нагуливают манты, and also it is possible to observe a fat, how fishes clean parasites from "wings" мант more small. In an atoll meets наполеон, снаппер, fish-parrot, from reef lateral aspect turtles, tunas and sharks come across. For skilled divers, but under favorable conditions here it is possible and сноркелинг.

Broken Rock - this hill is located at the beginning of passage Dhigurashu, and is remarkable it that is split from above and to depth in 10 metres on two half. Through a crevice it is possible to float, but it is necessary to try not to damage thus coral formations on walls. Round a hill magnificent corals grow.

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