To the mime the Atoll - Maldive Islands. The information on the Mime the Atoll - sights and museums to the Mime the Atoll. Rest in the Mime the Atoll. Hotels and hotels to the Mime the Atoll

To the mime the Atoll

To the mime the AtollTo the mime the Atoll is 8 fishing islands in east part and two tourist islands. Before opening of hotels on an atoll numerous cruises - here remarkable places for a scuba diving were organised.

To the mime the Atoll - is located in 130 km to the south of Male. Hotel Medufushi Resot suggests to visit east part of the Miimu-atoll in which for tourists 2 islands are opened only. A transfer to an atoll by the water plane about 40 mines, further 5 mines by a boat to island.

If to you you have a desire to get acquainted more close with culture to the Mime of the Atoll to you will offer fascinating a jeep or велосафари in which course you can appear in usual Maldivian village, observe work of fishermen, and even to try the forces in fishing. And then, having bought various inexpensive сувенирчиков to return to hotel and, sitting on a verandah of a cosy bungalow to contemplate behind the magnificent decline counting days of yours stay in this paradise place.

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