Ховд - Mongolia. The information about Ховд - sights and museums Ховд. Rest in Ховд. Hotels and hotels Hovd


Ховд The city of Hovd is the oldest city of Mongolia. It is the administrative, economic, cultural centre аймака. The history of Ховда goes back to 1685 г when джунгарский Галдан the Boshogtu-khan with a view of counteraction of Manchurian aggression has based here the rate. Since 1762 on the bank of the river Hovd there was a present city.

The population

Hovdsky аймак has been based in 1931. Its territory makes 76,1 thousand square kilometres. According to 2004 population Ховд аймака makes 91,8 thousand. From them of 50,8 % - women and 49,2 % - men. If to take age structure children till 16 years will make 36,1 %, youth till 36 years - 35,4 %, the adult population till 55 years - 20 %, and 8,5 % - older persons is more senior 55 years. Hovdsky аймак is the only thing аймаком in all Mongolia where representatives more than 19 ethnic groups live. So, халхасы make 25,6 %, захчины - 24 %, 10,1 % - Kazakhs, 9,1 % - торгоуты, 7,5 - элюты, 7,1 % - урянхайцы, 4,7 % - мянгаты, 4,6 % - дэрбэты.

For a long time features of mentality of inhabitants Ховд аймака are resoluteness, diligence, heroism. So, in Ховде veterans of fight on the Halhin-goal (1939г live.), wars for clearing (1945), revolts of the Western border (1940 - 1948). From them 23 heroes of work, 6 National heroes of Mongolia, 12 persons have the State award, 3 Deserved teachers of Mongolia, 4 Deserved doctors of Mongolia, and also 51 honoured workers of culture, arts, the sports, the deserved lawyers, economists, транспортники, irrigators, machine operators, miners, geologists, builders, pilots.

Cultural-historical monuments

In аймаке Ховд the set of cultural-historical monuments has remained. For example, in сомоне Жаргалант, the centre Hovdsky аймака, is an old Manchurian fortress ("Сангийн хэрэм"). In сомоне Манхан petroglyphic letters - "the Uhlan толгой бичээс" are located. In сомоне Уенч - rock paintings in gorge Jamaan a moustache. In сомоне the Bridge in a river Bodonch valley barrows and a complex оленных stones have remained.

The rivers and lakes

Lakes Haraus-nur, Dorgon-nur, Haar-nur and territories adjoining to them in 1997 have been carried to the category of especially protected territories. Except these big lakes in Ховд аймаке some lakes, unique under different characteristics - Tsetseg-nur, Холбоо Hoh-nur are located. Also, in аймаке the large rivers - originating in Mongolian Altai - Ховд, Буянт, Bulgan, Бодонч, Цэнхэр proceed. In устьях the rivers Chono not freezing by winter харайх, the Moon, Хом swans and ducks winter.

Largest of the named rivers is Ховд which length makes 516 km, the width - from 80 to 140 m, depth - from 1,5 to 3 m. This river bears the quiet silent waters in lake Haraus-nur.


According to scientists, in territory Ховд аймака lives more than 330 kinds позвоночных. From them 90 kinds of mammals, 220 kinds of birds, 11 kinds of reptiles, 8 kinds of fishes, 1 kind of amphibians. In Hovdsky аймаке 71 kind позвоночных which seldom meet in the world is registered, and now are actively studied.

Animal industries

According to 2004 the cattle livestock in аймаке has made 17.884.372 goals. From them 569 camels (16,6 %), 73.182 horses (73,2 %), 83.566 cows (82,6 %), 628.897 sheep (62,9 %), 6.348 goats (98,6 %).

According to the end of 2004 11.992 families have cattle from which 2887 families (24 %) have more than 500 goals of cattle, 3255 (27,2 %) - over 200 goals, 2493 (20,8 %) - over 100 goals, 1253 (10,5 %) - are more 50. 986 families of cattle have no. Last year it has been registered more than 90 cattle breeders having over 1000 goals of cattle.

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