Azerbaijan - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Azerbaijan. Rest and rounds to Azerbaijan Sights of Azerbaijan Hotels of Azerbaijan



Cтолица, large cities
Difference with Kiev in time Advances on 2 часa
Telephone code 994
Monetary unit Azerbaijan manat/AzM (1 манат = 100 капиков)
1 EUR = 1,12 AZM, 1 USD = 0,98 AZM
The visa It is not necessary
Cost of a "typical" supper 5-15 USD
Tip 10 % from an account total sum if are not included not so
Rent авто a day A day from 25 USD
State language
Azerbaijan (Turkic language group), but Russian is known well by adult and city children.
The population
About 8,1 million persons.
Azerbaijan - Beach rest

From times of the USSR Azerbaijan is known for the tourist routes and thermal waters. Popular routes of socialist times are carefully kept, and also developed new — with visiting of historical and cultural places, natural objects.

In the tourist market Azerbaijan are most claimed: excursion rounds (with visiting of historical places Шамахы, Исмаиллы, Baku, Шеки, Гах, the Lip, Ярдымлы etc.), beach rest (Baku, Худат, Хачмаз, Сиязан, Lenkoran, Астара), medical rounds and rest on thermal waters (Масаллы, Hussars, Нафталан, Baku, Gandzha).

The state Azerbaijan in a southeast part of Transcaucasia. Azerbaijan borders in the northwest on Georgia, in the north - with Russia, in the south - with Iran and Turkey, in the southwest - with Armenia.

In the east the country Azerbaijan is washed by Caspian sea (total length of a coastal line about 800 km.). The country structure includes a number of islands (the Vein, Булла, Наргин, Woolf, etc.) and archipelagoes (Baku and Apsheronsky) in Caspian sea. A country total area - 86,6 thousand sq. km.

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