Georgia - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Georgia. Rest and rounds in Georgia Sights of Georgia Hotels of Georgia



Cтолица, large cities Tbilisi
Difference with Kiev in time Advances at 2 o'clock
Telephone code 995
Monetary unit Chests
The visa The visa is not required
Tip 5-10 % from the account sum
State language
Georgian, in Abkhazia — also Abkhazian
The population
5 million 482 thousand persons

The republic Georgia (Сакартвело) occupies the central and western part of Transcaucasia between ridges of the Big caucasus in the north and Small caucasus in the south. Borders in the north on Russia, in the east - with Azerbaijan, in the south - with Armenia and Turkey. In the west Georgia is washed by Black sea. 

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