Armenia - the information on the country. Resorts, cities of Armenia. Rest and rounds in Armenia Sights of Armenia Hotels of Armenia



Cтолица, large cities Yerevan
Difference with Kiev in time Advances at 2 o'clock
Telephone code 374
Monetary unit Dramas
The visa It is not necessary
Tip 5-10 % from the account sum
State language
The Armenian
The population
3 million 766,4 thousand persons

The country Armenia in Transcaucasia, in a northeast part of the ancient volcanic Armenian uplands framed with spurs of the Small Caucasian ridge. In the north borders on Georgia, in the east - with Azerbaijan, in the west and the south - with Turkey, in the south - with Iran.

Armenia - the ancient country, the first-ever Christian state formed in 301 year d.C. In IX - one of the earliest on the Earth the state Urartu existed VI centuries BC in territory of Armenia already.

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