Bangkok |
Bangkok - means "the Palace for the Gods, Constructed by Gods in paradise". The full name of a city - Крунгтеп Move Накорн Раттанакосин Маханиндра Ayutthaya Махадилок Priest Noprarat Ratchatani Burirom Udomratnivet Mahasatan Amonpiman Avatansatit Sapkakatija Visanukkampasit ("Khrung Thep Maha Nakhon Amorn Rattanakosin Mahintdra Ayutthaya Mahadilok Pop Noparattana Radchhani Burirom Udom Ratchanivet Mahasatan Amorn Phimarn Avatarn Sathit Sakatuttiya Vishnikarm Prasit"). Тайцы on former name the city "Крунг Тхеп" ("the City of Angels"), Europeans continue to name Bangkok.
The name is brought in the Book of records Гиннеса, as the longest name of a city. From history of creation of a city 1767 – Тайцы have translated the capital in a city of Thonburi. Laying on opposite from the present I protect Bankoka. The next years Thonburi was not only capital of Thailand, but also a place of concentration of Thai armies during time of not stopping war with Burmans. In 1780 one young воиночальник has managed definitively to expel Burmans with таиской territories.
In 1782 it has come to the throne as the king of the Frame I. Dynasty Чакри based by it corrects till now. And now on a throne of Thailand 9th its representative sits – Пумипон Адульядет (the Frame IX), One of the first decrees the Frame I has transferred capital on opposite coast of the river where in an environment маслиновых trees there was the small village, called Bangkok. At first he has ordered to dig the channel which has connected two ends of the river and thus transformed territory of a city in easily defended island. Then it has constructed here the first large building – magnificent temple Vat-Pra-Keo (a temple of the emerald Buddha) in which the figure of the Buddha esteemed in kingdom has been placed. When the tiny village has turned suddenly to capital, to it have quickly picked up new name Крунг Тхеп – cities of angels as it and today name тайцы. Bangkok name East Venice. The city is constructed on water, and its mysterious Asian face repeatedly varies from early morning by late night. Travel on the well-known Bangkok streets – to channels, will make your representation about the recent past of this especial city.
Bangkok today
Source of special appeal of Bangkok, element of its unique charm, the especial night life is. Restaurants with a traditional Thai cuisine and representations in the form of classical national dances, a huge variety of every possible bars and pleasure institutions for all tastes will surprise any, even the most exacting and a lot of the seen tourist. The life in Bangkok really does not fade on an hour: entertaining and shopping centres. Pleasure parks and various shops – everywhere are weight of possibilities interestingly to spend time and make the diversified purchases.
Bangkok – a city of Angels
Angel of beauty.
Megacity in which elephants and angels have lodged. They are huge, majestic and kind – Bangkok and its elephants. Elephants go on this ten-million modern megacity, as on wild jungle. About elephants it is impossible to use a verb "scurry about" at least out of respect for their size, but city elephants manage stately to scurry about between one million Bangkok cars. An elephant – not simply symbol of Thailand. Elephants work and feed not only, but also the owners. Таец takes money for a photo with an elephant – and the elephant has learnt to pose multiply better, than overwhelming majority of tourists. The angel of Beauty lives in this city and the fine face it reminds the Venetian. Somehow it is imperceptible in the City of angels there is a spirit of Venice. This amazing Venetian crape gives to Bangkok set of channels. The capital lays in several km from gulf of Siam, on coast of the largest in Thailand the rivers with unpronounceable name Чаупхрая, «the river of kings», and the city body is literally spotted by small rivers, rivulets, channels, канальчиками. Certainly, here on coast of channels to you there will be no infinite train of majestic Venetian palaces: a step to the right-to the left from the central channels, and on coast you will see simply quintessence of poverty. And all the same with Venice much in common. Boatmen row standing. Water crossroads проходятся by absolutely automobile rules. The smell from water and houses growing directly from water is very similar to the Venetian. Magnificent palaces on coast of some channels too come across. But the main thing nevertheless not it.
The main thing – atmosphere of this city, at all less unique, than in old European cities. By the way, in the end of 19 century Bangkok named the Asian Venice as more than ninety percent of the population of a city live on coast of channels. The same as in Venice, here it is possible to take «a water taxi». It is possible to employ and джонку to go on the floating market on the channel Bangkok TH. Here – as on the Odessa supply: it is possible to buy, as inhabitants of Odessa speak, the daddy and mum. In Thailand desperate emotional trade is a national kind of sports and at times there is an impression, that if you silently agree with the initial price simply offend by it the seller. To the horizon are stretched мириады the boats filled with fruit, vegetables, colours, clothes, souvenirs. And during the big excursion on channels to you necessarily will show the main sight – the Big royal palace with a temple of the Emerald Buddha. It was spoken already about Venice, however on age Bangkok where is closer to other city of channels – to St.-Petersburg. The name given to Bangkok at a birth, has got to the Book of records Гиннеса as the longest name of a city in the world. It consists basically not of nouns, and from adjectives – twenty colourful epithets glorify unusual advantages of this surprising city where one more angel – an angel of Beauty has lodged. On massage it is better to go without the company. On massage it is necessary to go to one, taking with itself only «санук». Do not know, what such «санук»? It something like fun. Joyful and vigorous mood. You come to salon with the сануком, and you will leave salon with two сануками – if not with ten. For тайцев санук is a conclusive norm of behaviour. Таец without a smile on the person, most likely, it is mentally unhealthy. If the Thai masseur does not smile, has not fun, does not rumple your hulk the little body with jokes, songs and indispensable flirtation, it, most likely, is mortally sick.
Angel Ljubvi.
In the City of angels the most perceptible, though and a little bit the fallen – an angel of Love. On the one hand, it would be necessary to regret poor Thai girls who from a hopelessness are compelled to enter for a defect way. With another, the impression is made, that anybody from them and does not search for other ways. They with pleasure and self-return do that do, and all eyewitnesses have an impression, that Thai fallen angels sincerely are engaged with you in love, instead of play performance for your purse.Angel Jarosti.
In Bangkok exist set of bars open-air, and it is frequent завлекалкой for tourists something serves like a scene on which dance girls of various degree of nakedness. But some bars have decided to go on an original way, it looks so: the bar rack represents the closed square. And in this square – a scaffold on which the boxing ring is equipped. Accordingly instead of голеньких girls muzhiks in long shorts and boxing gloves there boss. And work in severe contact – кровушка flows a stream. And you sit, drink beer and at this business look. Муай thaw, named still Thai boxing, it is popular all over the world, however believe: the present fight can be seen only in Bangkok. Тайцы – surprisingly peaceful and good-natured people to whom pugnacity and aggression are absolutely not peculiar. Besides, almost all of them of small growth, thin and light, in a word – not fighters. Nevertheless, their national fighting art – one of the most severe and effective schools of hand-to-hand fight in the world. According to тайцев, only thanks to the angel of the Fury who have spread the wings over great fighters of the last centuries, Thailand could defend the independence in constant wars with powerful and aggressive neighbours. If also there is somewhere paradise it is Thailand with its surprising climate, by the tender sea, blossoming gardens, stately elephants, smiling people and any inexplicable atmosphere of cheerful rest.
The basic sights of Bangkok are: a fantastic Temple of the Emerald Buddha and a complex of the Big Royal Palace, the Dawn Temple, the Temple of the Lain down Buddha, the Temple of the Gold Hill, the Marble Temple, palace Виман Мек - favourite residence of the king the Frame V (1868-1910) and the biggest building from a "gold" teak; exotic royal two-deck boats; the Snake farm of Institute of Pasteur where plant venomous snakes and collect poison for manufacturing of an invaluable medicine; Jim Thompson's House-museum in which there is a magnificent collection of the Asian products of arts; the pavilion of palace Суан Паккад decorated with medieval frescos from gold leaves covered with glaze; the greatest in the world a farm on cultivation of crocodiles; a museum open-air - the Ancient city, the area of 200 acres; entertaining and improving complexes; products of national crafts; every possible kitchens and almost legendary night life.
Royal palace and temples
The royal palace is based in 1782 by king Tajlanda the Frame 1. This one of the places most visited by tourists. The palace represents a huge complex where enter royal residence, temples, library, mortars-storehouses of ashes of the former kings. The temple of the Emerald Buddha where the main relic of the country - the image of the Buddha which have been cut out from an integral piece of a nephrite is stored is most known. Skill of Thai artists and sculptors will delight you.
Pink garden and channels of Bangkok
Tropical country park and the country-club at the river, being in an hour of driving from Bangkok. In its territory the fine platform for a golf on 18 лунок is located, there are excellent conditions for residing. Nearby - the Thai village where you can become the witness of Thai marriage ceremony sees national dances, буддистское dedication and show of elephants.
Walk by a boat on channels of suburb of Bangkok - Thonburi, known as "Venice of the East". On a way you visit the basic coastal sight of Bangkok - the Dawn Temple - is delightful a beautiful temple with a mortar пранг, rising in the sky on 126 metres. The temple name occurs from a name индуистского deities Аруна - goddesses of a dawn.
Jim Thompson's house
Jim Thompson - однин from the most mysterious people in history Тайланда. Jim Thompson - the American who grown rich in 50th years of the XX-th century on revival of silk industry Тайланда and has glorified Thai silk for the whole world. In 1959 he has decided to transport to Bangkok from provinces ancient Thai houses and constructions XVIII-XIX centuries and to create from them an inhabited complex. In due course it has placed in them the remarkable meeting of antiques of the countries of South East Asia. In 1967 Jim Thompson has completely disappeared during walk in jungle of Malaysia.
Heavenly palace
The heavenly palace was favourite residence of King Chulalongkorna, and to this day is the greatest in the world a building completely constructed of a gold teak. Many relics belonging to royal family are stored in a palace.
This ancient city - the former capital Tajlanda (1350 - 1767), is located in 80 km from Bangkok. Before falling in Ayutthaya 400 temples, 3 palaces, 12 km of a fortification, 17 small fortresses and 100 city collars were. In a city 50 km of channels also have been spent, for what it has received the name of east Venice.
The ancient temples scattered across Ayutthaya and ruins are considered as monuments of culture of the international value. This list includes Вэт Пхра Си Санпхет XIV centuries, the largest in due time a temple in a city in which once there was 16 metre sculpture of the Buddha covered of 250 kg of gold. Unfortunately, burmese conquerors found the debt to fuse it. Remained since XVI century similar to fortress Вэт Пхра the Measure has avoided destruction in 1767 and can brag of a tremendous carved wooden ceiling, a magnificent 6 metre statue of the sitting Buddha in a crown, and the statue of the Buddha brought from Ceylon made of a green stone, which 1300 and which represents the Buddha sitting on a chair. Вэт Пхра Чао Пханан Чоенг has been constructed in XIV century, it is possible khmers before Ayutthaya became Siamese capital. In it there is 19 metre figure of the Buddha in which honour the temple is named. Restored Крааль Elephants - simplification for those who is already tired from visiting of numerous temples. The huge wooden premise constructed from тиковых of logs, 45 degrees planted under an inclination, once was used as a shelter for wild elephants. The king had special pavilion above for supervision over a fascinating show.
The old capital was in every respect a remarkable city to which the Dutch, Portuguese, French, English, Chinese and Japanese merchants aspired to get. By the end of 17 centuries the population of Ayutthaya has reached one million and literally all visitors confirmed, that it is the most tremendous city which they ever saw.