Island Самуи |
The island Samui which has actually become known only 10 years ago, competes today to island Puket as the most popular sea resort of Thailand. This ideal island differs from the colleagues that keeps natural simplicity of a tropical solitude.
Geographical position
The island is located in gulf of Siam. The third on size island of Thailand – 247 km at width, 25 km – at length, the population exceed 40 000 inhabitants, lives fishery, cultivation of coconuts and foreign tourism. This island is in kind 30 km from continent, in an idyllic environment over 80 islets, generally – uninhabited. The central areas of island are covered by impassable jungle, and along coast the strip of plantations of coconut palm trees and orchards lasts. From Самуи on the sea monthly go on two million nuts to Bangkok, and they have reputation of the best in the country. On coast the motorway which is bending around island is laid. Fixed-route taxis connect beaches to small settlements in the island centre.
The best beaches are at east coast. On island two main beaches – Чавенг and Ламай. Being stretched 6 km and being a classical tropical beach in every respect, Чавенг it is most popular, as offers a wide choice of entertainments. The picturesque bays, smoothly passing one in another, beaches with small sand are characteristic. Ламай, in several kilometres to the south, looks too rather vividly. But sand здесьне so small and white, and coast places the rocky. Almost on the beach in the bay centre it is created some kind of the entertaining centre with discos, small restaurants and pubs. On an island North side there are very silent and untouched beaches. The western and southern coasts pleasantly contrast with classical beauty of northern and east beaches Самуи, here great variety of quiet and pleasant bays and the gulfs isolated from each other. Unlike other tourist centres of Thailand, on island Samuj have decided to erect hotels not directly on a beach, and at an edge of jungle, in a shade of palm trees. The ring highway passes as though behind hotels and consequently practically any of them has a direct exit on beaches.
Here the paradise climate reigns really, and to have a rest on island it is possible practically all year long. However, from October till December northeast monsoons bring with themselves strong rains and the sea slightly штормит and consequently the season peak is necessary for January, February, second half of July and August. And for those who simply wishes to have a rest and plunge into fragrant tropical atmosphere, island Samuj – the most suitable place.
In island Nathon capital where ferries from continent go, shopping centres, banks, polyclinics, турбюро, small restaurants, and all it – on any pocket and taste are concentrated. Do not forget to visit a small hall near landing stage where elderly тайцы give сеанцы massage of the higher class. A food completely not expensive, but extremely found, from a variety of tropical products and exotic dishes can begin to spin a head. It really paradise for gourmets.
Rest on island
On Самуи there are all conditions for employment by various kinds of aquatics. Excursions on island on a jeep, a motorcycle or a bicycle are very popular - frequently it is the best way to get acquainted with the natural nature and a life of islanders. To the north from Самуи coast Bo Пхуд, Маенам and Тхонг - excellent places for yachting lay.
Councils to tourists
The life on Самуи fades early: at 21:00 the basic tourist institutions are closed. But there are also restaurants with round-the-clock service. Натон - a unique city and island capital. The City-port is located at the western coast of island. In Натоне there is a supermarket, mail, office of bank with a currency exchange and a police station. The motorway on Самуи repeats the form of island and passes along all coasts through Натон. In this "ring" it is possible to move only on jeeps.
Marine National Park (Самуи)
One of the most popular routes. An easy breakfast, and you go to travel on a powerful high-speed boat. Having ascended a high hill and rock as from height of the bird's flight, you will see 41 island - the most freakish forms and the sizes laying in waters of a gulf.